Friday, May 28, 2010

Why Newtonism is wrong

For centuries, the secular-intellectual elite have tried to force us to accept the theory of Gravity as dogmatic fact. The truth is, this is just a theory, not a fact, and it is easily proven to be a false theory.

The theory of Gravity was invented by an Englishman named Newton. Most physicists are Newtonists who worship Newton like a god.

In fact, the only true God is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The bible (Mark 16:19) tells us that Jesus ascended bodily into heaven; according to Newtonists, this is impossible, because an invisible force would have "sucked" Jesus back to the Earth. Since we know Jesus ascended to heaven, it's obvious that Newtonism doesn't work.

So what's this mysterious sucking force? Newton said he imagined an invisible force called "Gravity" that exists between ANY two objects! This force would be stronger if the objects were heavier and closer together. Ever sit next to a fat guy on a plane? He was very heavy and right next to you, but did you feel a force pulling you towards him? NO! You wanted to get AWAY from him! Plus, HOW DOES THE PLANE DEFEAT "GRAVITY"? This is just one of the many ways we can disprove Newtonism.

According to Newtonism, a force should always be pushing you down towards the Earth. This force is supposedly equal to YOUR WEIGHT! I weigh 185 pounds, and I think I would have noticed if there were 185 pounds of force CRUSHING me!

Even some Newtonist scientists were forced to face the fact that Newtonism can't explain many observations. Albert Einstein, for instance, proposed a theory of Relativity that is incompatible with Newton's theory... and scientific observations have proven that Einstein's theory was right! Case closed! And yet to this day, many scientists still insist that Newton was right! Do these Newtonists think they're smarter than Albert Motherfucking Einstein!?!?(Although Einsteinism has its own flaws, such as the fact that Einstein was a Jew.)

Despite all this, liberal faggots insist on indoctrinating our children into the Religion of Newtonism, jamming the debunked theory of Gravity into their brains total disregard for OUR beliefs!


Across this line, you do not step. It's time we took back our schools and made sure our children are exposed to the PROS AND CONS of Gravity, as well as alternate theories. Please keep visiting this blog for more updates on the fight against Newtonism. I'm blogging 4 Jesus and to defeat the Newtonist agenda. Stay tuned for more evidence against Newtonism. Please pray for my success!

Yours in Christ,


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